Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011

foot of a future marathoner

introducing the newest little lady cousin
to the hen house:

miss maura patricia

although it is believed that she might be a future sprinter instead because of her speedy entrance into the world

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

polishing off the world's smallest chocolate sundae at the nitty gritty

equivalent to a tablespoon of ice cream but I don't think he noticed

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

so long to hen house #2

where we lived when we brought gus home from the hospital to meet maddie | where we lived when maddie the hunter caught her first mouse | where we lived during the record breaking 100 inch snow season | where we lived when our roof needed to be fixed after the record breaking 100 inch snow season | where we lived when we learned of gus's love of trucks, especially on garbage pickup day |where we lived that had a green picket fence that always looked like it was going to fall over but never did | where we lived when gus learned to walk and learned the art of falling dramatically | where we lived when gus learned to take off his own dirty diaper and smear it all over his crib | where we lived when we learned that the smell of a gas leak and the smell of a decomposing bat are two very different smells | where we lived when gus found a love of watching the lawn mower and would run to the windows when he heard a mower start up in the neighborhood | where we lived when maddie met her first golden retriever boyfriend and stalked him daily | where we lived when gus would practice walking on the sidewalks and wave to the morning commuters | where we lived when we first heard gus laugh | where we lived when we sat on the stoop to wait to welcome the hen home from work | where we lived when we found out baby #2 was on the way and we needed to think about relocating the hen house