Monday, December 18, 2017

miss maddie mo | 2006 - 2017

the best pup | began life as a city dog riding elevators, ended life as a loyal companion for a family of six in the burbs | loved anyone who would do daytime naps with her | loved giving herself back rubs with her tennis balls | fierce hunter of any and all rabbits | instant couch sidekick for those who were sick and had to stay home from school | never turned down a chance to play in the sprinkler or go swimming | guard dog when on walks and wouldn't let anyone lag behind | pushed anyone aside who was in her way to greet visitors at the door | plant herself in the middle of the kid chaos so she didn't miss anything | best friends with whoever spilled the most at the dinner table | loved going to the vet each and every time to say hi to everyone | assumed that it was totally normal for her people to pat her for hours and hours